Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ensure a trouble-free installation.(Brief article)

Byline: Paul Monckton

Ensure a trouble-free installation

In this first release of Windows Home Server, there are a few issues to be ironed out. Here's a brief list of some of the most common pitfalls to ease installation.

acents WHS supports only XP or Vista client PCs. Other operating systems won't be able to take advantage of most of its features, but will still be able to access shares using standard Windows networking.

acents There is currently no 64-bit version of the Windows Home Server Connector, although there is a trick that will allow a partial installation - see the tips box on page 46.

acents WHS can only back up NTFS volumes. Fat or Fat32 partitions will need to be converted to NTFS first.

acents WHS will format all internal drives and partitions during installation, so make sure you have no important data on these drives.

acents The system is always installed onto the first hard drive in your server, as determined by the Bios. Make sure your chosen drive is configured as the primary.

acents WHS is designed to be installed on an existing network. It doesn't support running as a gateway or sharing its own internet connection.

acents WHS supports Windows Media Connect 2.0, not 3.0 or 4.0, so the types of media that can be shared by the media server are limited. There's no H.264 support for example.

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